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Find Theses and Dissertations

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Locate Australian, New Zealand and International Theses

Trove - Australian Theses 

Search the National Library of Australia's discovery service Trove for print and digital theses held in collecting institutions across Australia.

  • Tip: Choose Advanced Search.  Select Research & Reports from the the drop down menu. Enter search terms then refine the results by selecting Thesis under the Format heading.

Union list of higher degree theses in Australian university libraries: cumulative edition to 1965 

Find theses submitted for a higher degree at Australian universities between 1959 and 1978 by searching this text.

  • Tip: The link goes to the catalogue record for the cumulative edition to 1965 but there are also supplements at the same location.

New Zealand Libraries (Te Puna) 

Use this web-based search service to search for theses in New Zealand libraries and/or worldwide.

  • Tip: Select Thesis/Dissertation under the Format filter to narrow your results.


Search open-access research documents produced at universities, polytechnics, and other institutions in New Zealand at this site.

  • Tip: Select Thesis from the Browse by Type menu on the search page.

British Library - EThOS Electronic Thesis Online Service 

Search this site for doctoral theses from the United Kingdom, including many with free full text access.

DART - Europe E-theses Portal 

Search this extensive collection to locate research theses from European countries.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations

Find an extensive list of international sites for locating free, electronic theses and dissertations at this site.


Search and browse this authoritative directory of open-access repositories worldwide.

Theses Canada 

Find theses and dissertations from universities across Canada, covering the 1960s to the present, via this searchable collection.


Search the world's most comprehensive database of information about library collections by performing a search then selecting  the Thesis/Dissertation option from the format list.

Find UNSW theses

UNSW theses can be found using the institutional repository UNSWorks.

Some Australian and international theses/dissertations can be found using the Academy Library collection.

  • Carry out a search on your topic, author, or thesis title. 
  • Refine your results by selecting the tick box next to Dissertations under the Resource Types heading. 

eBooks on Thesis Writing

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