Making a video for a presentation requires you to consider camera technique, lighting and editing to enhance your final product.
Check YouTube for ideas and help with making videos.
You may be asked to develop a wiki or write a blog for one of your courses:
Your written work should demonstrate that you have successfully synthesised the information you have used and that you have cited your sources.
The presentation of your ideas in your written work involves:
Learn more about The academic writing process under the Define tab.
Careful preparation is the key to a successful presentation:
Oral presentations can be enhanced by the use of PowerPoint slides. Here are some hints for designing a good PowerPoint presentation
The Academic Study Skills website also provides many helpful tips and links on giving the presentation:
Find more detailed information about oral presentations here
Your participation in tutorial discussions, group work, and presentations may be part of the assessment for many subjects. Being able to ask questions and participate effectively in group discussions are important skills.
You may be required to:
The Academic Study Skills website provides detailed help and further reading to improve your discussion skills