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Everything on Library shelves has an item number.
Use Library collection (Catalogue) to find the item number and location.
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To find more information on your topic, check if the author of a text on your reading list has written other books on the same subject:
To find a book on your reading list for example:
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Locating tip for print books
Some items on your reading list may have been placed in the Course Reading Collection. Search by title to find them. Try narrowing your search results by Collection, via the Refine My Results listing in the left hand column.
Learn more: Library collection on this page
Learn more: Understanding your reading list under the Discover tab
For an assignment, you need to find information on the topic government policy regarding carbon tax.
Start by identifying the main terms in your assignment. In this case - carbon tax.
To find books, go to the Library’s home page and type the keywords carbon tax into the search box.
You retrieve a huge number of results that are a mixture of books and journal articles. To make your search results more relevant, use Refine My Results in the left hand menu.
There are many options in this menu to help focus your search. In this example, where you are looking for books, the most useful option to start with is to refine by Resource Type. Choose Print Books and eBooks.
This narrows your search down to approximately 1000 results, all books, but these results don’t look particularly relevant.
Next, try refining the search by Topic. To see the complete list of topics to choose from, click More options.
Emissions trading and Climatic changes seem to be relevant.
Click the box next to these topics to search for these terms within your list of search results for carbon tax.
Sort your results to show the most recent information first, using the sorted by drop-down list. Choose date-newest.
Check On This Subject under Suggested New Searches in the left hand menu for alternative search terms.
Check that the spelling is correct:
Is the item you are looking for out on loan?
Check Help in Library collection for tips on how to improve your searches.
For further assistance, contact the library by clicking the Ask Us on the Library homepage, or visit the Library during current opening hours.